Dr. Niels van Doorn joins the SPUR team

Dr. Niels van Doorn joins the SPUR team as a Visiting Professor conducting research on the spatio-temporal evolution of online and locally tethered labor platforms. He will also work on his next book project, based on his completed Platform Labor project.

Niels van Doorn is an Associate Professor of New Media and Digital Culture at the University of Amsterdam. He recently completed an ERC-funded research project (external page Platform Labor), which examined how digital platforms are transforming the everyday experience and governance of labor, livelihood strategies, and care provision in cities marked by eroding welfare systems. More broadly his research explores how platforms and platformization reconfigure relations between market, state and civil society actors – focusing in particular on the social inequalities and stratifications that mark these relations. He is one of the founding editors of the forthcoming (open access) journal Platforms & Society, and sits on the Editorial board of Work, Employment & Society.

Niels holds a PhD in Communication Science from the University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam School of Communication Research, 2010). Before joining the UvA’s Department of Media Studies (in 2012), he spent two years as a postdoc in the Department of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. The research conducted there resulted in his first book, Civic Intimacies (Temple UP, 2019).

Niels van Doorn
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